Hello Robert,

Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 10:36:15 AM, you wrote:

RM> Hello Robert,

RM> Saturday, March 17, 2007, 6:49:05 PM, you wrote:

RM>> Hello Thomas,

RM>> Saturday, March 17, 2007, 11:46:14 AM, you wrote:

TN>>> On Fri, 16 Mar 2007, Anton B. Rang wrote:
>>>> It's possible (if unlikely) that you are only getting checksum errors on 
>>>> metadata. Since ZFS always internally mirrors its metadata, even on 
>>>> non-redundant pools, it can recover from metadata corruption which does 
>>>> not affect all copies. (If there is only one LUN, the mirroring happens at 
>>>> different locations on the same LUN.)

TN>>> I thought about that but looking at the NFS server the real data should be
TN>>> much much more than metadata so I would consider it unlikely. Also in the
TN>>> now redundant setup we see checksum errors on both attached RAIDs

TN>>> Any hints on how to track down the problem to the HBA, cables, RAID and so
TN>>> on? We see similar things on all our machines with few exceptions. Talking
TN>>> to local Sun folks we have been "warned" before that checksum errors will
TN>>> show up and that it's considered normal. Nevertheless I really want to
TN>>> know what they are about

RM>> I have an opened CR for months now about the same problem - lot of
RM>> CKSUM errors all seem to be only meta-data related which is highly
RM>> unlikely.

RM> We've reinstalled servers to U3 and SC3.2 and for last few days no
RM> single CKSUM error (the same pools were imported) - so maybe something
RM> wrong was with U2.

One of those server has reported again some CKSUM errors in the same way so it
looks like only metadata were involved. So the problem is still there
but on U3 to much less extent.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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