We've got some work going on in the NFS group to alleviate this problem. Doug 
McCallum has introduced the sharemgr (see http://blogs.sun.com/dougm) and I'm 
about to putback the In-Kernel Sharetab bits (look in http://blogs.sun.com/tdh 
- especially http://blogs.sun.com/tdh/entry/in_kernel_sharetab_have_a).

Doug has been doing some performance optimization to the sharemgr to allow 
faster boot up in loading, specifically for ZFS - see for example 

It is funny, he just told me a couple of hours ago that he was doing 15k 
entries. I know he has significantly reduced the times for 3k and 5k 
filesystems. We are still working on the 15k entries.

We are wanting to combine his changes with my changes to see if we can get the 
15k time down. With my changes, we remove going to disk for the sharetab and 
locking the file.

As you can see, this is a very hot spot for us right now. We really want these 
times down.

Also, for the interested, I gave a presentation at Connectathon last year which 
highlights some of the issues here: Scaling NFS Services 
(http://www.connectathon.org/talks06/haynes.pdf). I also presented an overview 
of Doug's and my projects at the latest Connectathon:   The Management of 
Shares (http://www.connectathon.org/talks07/ScaleShares.pdf).
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