On Mon, 2007-03-12 at 20:53 -0600, James Dickens wrote:
> On 3/12/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>         What issues, if any, are likely to surface with using Solaris
>         inside vmware as a guest os, if I choose to use ZFS?
> works great in vmware server, IO rates suck. 
>         I'm assuming that ZFS's ability to maintain data integrity 
>         will prevail and protect me from any problems that the
>         addition of vmware might introduce.
> no problems so far, created two  virtual disks and  concat, its just a
> toy/test bed for nexenta, only problem I have with nexenta is that the
> 64bit mode crashes on boot. b55  may be fixed who knows. 

its ae driver. Murayama fixed it recently in unstable branch.
If you don't want to upgrade to latest, you could change your vmware
settings to use e1000g driver instead. Or just upgrade myamanet-ae from
unstable like:

$ sudo apt-get install myamanet-ae

>         Are there likely to be any issues with disk drive IO
>         performance?
> i'm getting  11MB/s on bonnie++, the disks are backed by sata drives
> on a  ultra 20 2.6ghz and has  512MB allocated. 
> not exactly a speed demon it would get about 130MB/s on the raw
> hardware. 
> James Dickens
> uadmin.blogspot.com
>         The concern here is with comments on how ZFS likes to
>         "own spindles" so that it can properly schedule I/O and
>         maximise performance.
>         Any other gotchas, such as the extra vmware layer doing
>         buffering that ZFS isn't aware of, etc? 
>         If there are problems, are they likely to be any
>         better/different
>         when using ZFS and Solaris as a Xen domU?
>         Darren
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