Is there a best practice guide for using zfs as a basic rackable small
storage solution?

I'm considering zfs with a 2U 12 disk Xeon based server system vs
something like a second hand FAS250.

Target enviroment is mixature of Xen or VI hosts via iSCSI and nfs/cifs.

Being able to take snapshots of running (or maybe paused) xen iscsi
vols and re-export then for cloning and remote backup replication is
important. the aspect I like about zfs is the offsite storage system
can also be generic hardware and thus much cheaper. Being able to run
a postgresql or mysql directly on the storage server has was postives
as well, although a generic storage appliance has a better admin

Some questions:
1. how stable is zfs? i'm tolarent to some sweat work to fix problems
but data loss is unacceptable
2. If drives need to be pulled and put into a new chasis does zfs
handle them having new device names and being out of order?
3. Is it possible to hot swap drives with raidz(2)
4. How does performance compare with 'brand name' storage systems?

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