I am seeing what I think is very peculiar behaviour of ZFS after sending a full stream to a remote host - the upshot being that I can't send an incremental stream afterwards.

What I did was this:

host1 is Solaris 10 Update 2 SPARC
host2 is Solaris 10 Update 2 x86

host1 # zfs snapshot work/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
host1 # zfs send work/[EMAIL PROTECTED] | ssh host2 zfs recv export/home
host1 # ssh host2
host2 # zfs list
export/home  1.02G  47.8G  1.02G  /export/home
export/[EMAIL PROTECTED]  70.5K      -  1.02G  -
host2 #

Note that the snapshot on the remote system is showing changes to the underlying filesystem, even though it is not accessed by any application on host2.

Now, I try to send an incremental stream:

host1 # zfs snapshot work/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
host1 # zfs send -i work/[EMAIL PROTECTED] work/[EMAIL PROTECTED] | ssh host2 zfs recv export/home
cannot receive: destination has been modified since most recent snapshot --
use 'zfs rollback' to discard changes

Am I using send/recv incorrectly or is there something else going on here that I am missing?


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