Al Hopper wrote:

> On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Rainer Heilke wrote:
>>> So, if I was an enterprise, I'd be willing to keep
>>> enough empty LUNs
>>> available to facilitate at least the migration of
>>> one or more filesystems
>>> if not complete pools.
> .... reformatted ...
>> You might be, but don't be surprised when the Financials folks laugh you
>> out of their office. Large corporations do not make money by leaving
>> wads of cash lying around, and that's exactly what a few terabytes of
>> unused storage in a high-end SAN is. This is in addition to the laughter
> But this is exactly where ZFS distrupts "Large corporations" thinking.

Yes and no. A corporation has a SAN for reasons that have been valid for years; 
you won't turn that ship around on a skating rink.

> You're talking about (for example) 2 terabytes on a high-end SAN which
> costs (what ?) per GB (including the capital cost of the hi-end SAN)
> versus a dual Opteron box with 12 * 500Gb SATA disk drives that gives you
> 5TB of storage for (in round numbers) a total of ~ $6k.  And how much are
> your ongoing monthlies on that hi-end SAN box?  (Don't answer)  So - aside
> from the occasional use of the box for data migration, this ZFS "storage
> box" has 1,001 other uses.  Pick any two (uses), based on your knowledge
> of big corporation thinking and its an easy sell to management.
> Now your accounting folks are going to be asking you to justify the
> purchase of that hi-end SAN box.... and why you're not using ZFS
> everywhere.  :)

No, they're going to be asking me why I want to run a $400K server holding all 
of our inventory and financials data on a cheap piece of storage I picked up at 
Pa's Pizza Parlor and Computer Parts. There are values (real and imagined, 
perhaps) that a SAN offers. And, when the rest of the company is running on the 
SAN, why aren't you?

As a side-note, if your company has a mainframe (yes, they still exist!), when 
will ZFS run on it? We'll need the SAN for a while, yet.

>> generated by the comment that, "not a big deal if the Financials and HR
>> databases are offline for three days while we do the migration." Good

> Again - sounds like more "legacy" thinking.  With multiple gigabit
> ethernet connections you can move terrabytes of information in a hour,
> instead of in 24-hours - using legacy tape systems etc.  This can be
> easily handled during scheduled downtime.

If your company is graced with being able to cost-justify the rip-and-replace 
of the entire 100Mb network, more power to you. Someone has to pay for all of 
this, and good luck fobbing it all of on some client.

>> Sorry, this argument smacks a little too much of being out of touch with
>> the fiscal (and time) restrictions of working in a typical corporation,
>> as opposed to a well-funded research group.
>> I hope I'm not sounding rude, but those of us working in medium to large
>> corporations simply do not have the money for such luxuries. Period.

> On the contrary - if you're not thinking ZFS, you're wasting a ton of IT
> $s and hurting the competitiveness of your business.

But you can't write off the investment of the old gear in six months and move 
on. I wish life worked like that, but it doesn't. At least, not where I work. 

> Regards,
> Al Hopper

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