Hello Ionescu,

Thursday, January 25, 2007, 11:05:25 PM, you wrote:

IM> Hello,

IM> I'm new to ZFS and I would like to clarify this to you.

IM> Having 2 HDDs and one striping ZFS pool(data lost is not an
IM> issue) on them what is best to use for storage folders in this pool or new 

IM> I need 4-5 majors folders which will contains lots of sufolders
IM> and I don't know if it's better to creade 4 new folders in my pool or 4 new 

Mostly it's a problem of manageability. However due to some bugs which
are not fixed yet in some cases it would help if you create more file
systems like if your applications issues fdsync on a file and there're
more writes pending to other files.

It's only 4-5 file systems - I would probably create file systems
instead of directories. And with zfs you don't have to think which one
will need how much space in advance which is really great.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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