Hello Jason,

Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 11:11:31 PM, you wrote:

JJWW> Hi Richard,

JJWW> Hmm....that's interesting. I wonder if its worth benchmarking RAIDZ2
JJWW> if those are the results you're getting. The testing is to see the
JJWW> performance gain we might get for MySQL moving off the FLX210 to an
JJWW> active/passive pair of X4500s. Was hoping with that many SATA disks
JJWW> RAIDZ2 would provide a nice safety net.

Well, you weren't thinking about one big raidz2 group?

To get more performance you can create one pool with many smaller
raidz2 groups - that way your worst case read performance should
increase approximately N times where N is number of raidz-2 groups.

However  keep in mind that write performance should be really good
with raidz2.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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