Dennis Clarke wrote:
Anton B. Rang wrote:
"INFORMATION: If a member of this striped zpool becomes unavailable or
develops corruption, Solaris will kernel panic and reboot to protect your

Is this the official, long-term stance?  I don't think it is.  I think this
is an interpretation of current state.

OK, I'm puzzled.

Am I the only one on this list who believes that a kernel panic, instead
of EIO, represents a bug?

Nope.  I'm with you.

no no .. its a "feature".  :-P

    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then its a duck.

a kernel panic that brings down a system is a bug.  Plain and simple.

I disagree (nit).  A hardware fault can also cause a panic.  Faults != bugs.
I do agree in principle, though.  Panics should be avoided whenever possible.

Incidentally, we do track the panic rate and collect panic strings.  The
last detailed analysis I saw on the data showed that the vast majority were
hardware induced.  This was a bit of a bummer because we were hoping that
the tracking data would lead to identifying software bugs.
 -- richard

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