Hello Dave,

Friday, December 15, 2006, 9:02:31 PM, you wrote:
DB> Does anyone have a document that describes ZFS in a pure
DB> SAN environment?  What will and will not work?

ZFS is "just" a filesystem with "just" an integrated volume manager.
Ok, it's more than that.
The point is that if any other file system works in your SAN then ZFS
should also work. There could be some issues with some arrays with
flushing cache (I haven't got hit by that) but there's an workaround.
Other than that it should just work or should even work better due to
end-to-end data integrity - generally with SANs you've got more things
which can play with your data and ZFS can take care of it or at least
detect it.

DB>  From some of the information I have been gathering
DB> it doesn't appear that ZFS was intended to operate
DB> in a SAN environment.

I don't know why people keep saying strange things about ZFS.
Maybe it's due to fact that ZFS is so different they don't know what
to do with it and get confused? Or maybe as ZFS makes cheap storage
solutions really valuable option people start to think it only belongs
to that segment - which is of course not true.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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