On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 02:08:57PM -0500, James F. Hranicky wrote:
> Sure, but that's what I want to avoid. The FMA agent should do this by
> itself, but it's not, so I guess I'm just wondering why, or if there's
> a good way to get to do so. If this happens in the middle of the night I
> don't want to have to run the commands by hand.

Yes, the FMA agent should do this.  Can you run 'fmdump -v' and see if
the DE correctly identified the faulted devices?

> For instance, the zpool command hanging or the system hanging trying to
> reboot normally.

If the SCSI commands hang forever, then there is nothing that ZFS can
do, as a single write will never return.  The more likely case is that
the commands are continually timining out with very long response times,
and ZFS will continue to talk to them forever.  The future FMA
integration I mentioned will solve this problem.  In the meantime, you
should be able to 'zpool offline' the affected devices by hand.

There is also associated work going on to better handle asynchrounous
reponse times across devices.  Currently, a single slow device will slow
the entire pool to a crawl.

- Eric

Eric Schrock, Solaris Kernel Development       http://blogs.sun.com/eschrock
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