Luke Schwab wrote:


I am running Solaris 10 ZFS and I do not have STMS multipathing enables. I have dual FC connections to storage using two ports on an Emulex HBA. In the Solaris ZFS admin guide. It says that a ZFS file system monitors disks by their path and their device ID. If a disk is switched between controllers, ZFS will be able to pick up the disk on a secondary controller. I tested this theory by creating a zpool on the first controller and then I pulled the cable on the back of the server. the server took about 3-5 minutes to failover. But it did fail over!!

By default, the [s]sd driver will retry [3]5 times with a timeout
of 60 seconds.  STMS understands the lower-level FC stuff, and
can make better decisions, faster.
-- richard

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