I would like to update some of our Solaris 10 OS systems to the new zfs file system that supports spares.  The Solaris 6/06 version does have zfs but does not have this feature. What is the best way to upgrade to this functionality? Also we have a 3/05 version of Solaris and the Sun Express nv_23 X86. What is the recommended upgrade method for those system? Hopefully this is not a complete rebuild and I can use the Upgrade option in an install disk or a pkgadd.

This system I am interested in upgrading have the following system built information:

Solaris 10 6/06 s10s_u2wos_09a SPARC
Solaris 10 3/05 s10_74L2a X86
Solaris 11 nv_23 X86


Michael Barto
Software Architect

LogiQwest Circle
LogiQwest Inc.
16458 Bolsa Chica Street, # 15
Huntington Beach, CA  92649

Tel:  714 377 3705
Fax: 714 840 3937
Cell: 714 883 1949

'tis a gift to be simple
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