Podlipnik wrote:
When creating raidz pool out of n disks where n =>2 pool size will get a size
of the smallest disk multiplied by n:

# zpool create -f newpool raidz c1t12d0 c1t10d0 c1t13d0
# zpool list
NAME                    SIZE    USED   AVAIL    CAP  HEALTH     ALTROOT
newpool                 139G    141K    139G     0%  ONLINE     -

c1t10d0 <SEAGATE-ST150176LW-0002-46.58GB>

46.58G * 3 = 139G

c1t12d0 <SEAGATE-ST1181677LWV-0002-169.09GB>
c1t13d0 <SEAGATE-ST3146807LW-0004-136.73GB>

SIZE should be 351GB and not 139GB. What happend to the rest of the space?
I have Solaris 10 06/06 patched with all patches.

Looks like if you have to use the same size of disks for raidz.

Yes, this is true for most, if not all, RAID-5-like implementations.
If you want more space, then you might need to get more clever in your
usage.  For example, if you slide as follows:
        disk1   disk2   disk3   raid    space
        46.58   46.58           mirror   46.58
                122.51  122.51  mirror  122.51
                                total   169.09

Obviously, there are many more combinations possible and my example
may not meet your requirements.
 -- richard
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