On Nov 21, 2006, at 1:36 PM, Joe Little wrote:

On 11/21/06, Matthew B Sweeney - Sun Microsystems Inc.


Am I barking up the wrong tree? Or is ZFS over NFS not the right solution?

I strongly believe it is.. We just are at odds as to some philosophy.
Either we need NVRAM backed storage between NFS and ZFS, battery
backed-memory that can survive other subsystem failure, or a change in
the code path to allow some discretion here. Currently, the third
option, 6280630, ZIL syncronicity, or as I reference it, sync_deferred

A combination is best, but the sooner this arrives, the better for
anyone who needs a general purpose file server / NAS that compares
anywhere near to the competion.

I had heard that some stuff in the latest OS and coming in Sol10 U3 should greatly help in NFS/ZFS performance. Something to do with ZFS not synching the entire pool on every sync but just the stuff needed or something like that. I heard it kind of 2nd or 3rd hand so cannot be to detailed in my description. Can someone here "in the know" confirm that this is so (or not)?


Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at shire.net

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