On 13 November, 2006 - Eric Kustarz sent me these 2,4K bytes:

> Tomas Ögren wrote:
> >On 13 November, 2006 - Sanjeev Bagewadi sent me these 7,1K bytes:
> >>Regarding the huge number of reads, I am sure you have already tried 
> >>disabling the VDEV prefetch.
> >>If not, it is worth a try.
> >That was part of my original question, how? :)
> On recent bits, you can set 'zfs_vdev_cache_max' to 1 to disable the 
> vdev cache.

On earlier versions (snv_48), I did similar with ztune.sh[0], adding
cache_size which I set to 0 (instead of 10M).

This helped quite a lot, but there seems to be one more level of

               capacity     operations    bandwidth
pool         used  avail   read  write   read  write
----------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
ftp         1.67T  2.15T  1.26K     23  40.9M   890K
  raidz2    1.37T   551G    674     10  22.3M   399K
    c4t0d0      -      -    210      3  3.19M  80.4K
    c4t1d0      -      -    211      3  3.19M  80.4K
    c4t2d0      -      -    211      3  3.19M  80.4K
    c5t0d0      -      -    210      3  3.19M  80.4K
    c5t1d0      -      -    242      4  3.19M  80.4K
    c5t2d0      -      -    211      3  3.19M  80.4K
    c5t3d0      -      -    211      3  3.19M  80.4K
  raidz2     305G  1.61T    614     12  18.6M   491K
    c4t3d0      -      -    222      5  2.66M  99.1K
    c4t4d0      -      -    223      5  2.66M  99.1K
    c4t5d0      -      -    224      5  2.66M  99.1K
    c4t8d0      -      -    190      5  2.66M  99.1K
    c5t4d0      -      -    190      5  2.66M  99.1K
    c5t5d0      -      -    226      5  2.66M  99.1K
    c5t8d0      -      -    225      5  2.66M  99.1K
----------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----

Before this fix, the 'read bandwidth' for disks in the first raidz2
added up to way more than the raidz2 itself.. now it adds up correctly,
but some other readahead causes a 1-10x factor too much, mostly hovering
around 2-3x.. before it was hovering around 8-10x..


Tomas Ögren, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.acc.umu.se/~stric/
|- Student at Computing Science, University of Umeå
`- Sysadmin at {cs,acc}.umu.se
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