On Tue, 2006-11-14 at 03:50 -0600, Chris Csanady wrote:
> After examining the source, it clearly wipes the vdev label during a detach.
> I suppose it does this so that the machine can't get confused at a later date.
> It would be nice if the detach simply renamed something, rather than
> destroying the pool though.  At the very least, the manual page ought
> to reflect the destructive nature of the detach command.

rather than patch it up after the detach, why not have the filesystem do

seems like the problem would be solved by something looking vaguely

   zpool fork -p poolname -n newpoolname [devname ...]

   Create the new exported pool "newpoolname" from poolname by detaching
   one side from each mirrored vdev, starting with the
   device names listed on the command line.  Fails if the pool does not
   consist exclusively of mirror vdevs, if any device listed on the
   command line is not part of the pool, or if there is a scrub or resilver
   necessary or in progress.   Use on bootable pools not recommended.
   For best results, snapshot filesystems you care about before the fork.

(just a concept...  )

                                                - Bill

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