Hello Torrey,

Friday, November 10, 2006, 11:31:31 PM, you wrote:

TM> Robert Milkowski wrote:
>>>> Also scrub can consume all CPU power on smaller and older machines and
>>>> that's not always what I would like.
>>>> REP> The big question, though, is "10% of what?"  User CPU?  iops?
>> AH> Probably N% of I/O Ops/Second would work well.
>> Or if 100% means full speed, then 10% means that expected time should
>> be approximately 10x more (instead 1h make it 10h).
>> It would be more intuitive than specifying some numbers like IOPS,
>> etc.

TM> In any case you're still going to have to provide a tunable for this 
TM> even if the resulting algorithm works well on the host side. Keep in 
TM> mind that a scrub can also impact the array(s) you're filesystem lives
TM> on. If all my ZFS systems started scrubbing at full speed - Because they
TM> thought they weren't busy - at the same time it might cause issues with
TM> other I/O on the array itself.

Tunable in a form of pool property, with default 100%.

On the other hand maybe simple algorithm Veritas has used is good
enough - simple delay between scrubing/resilvering some data.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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