Hello John,

Thursday, November 9, 2006, 12:03:58 PM, you wrote:

JC> Hi all,
JC> When testing our programs, I got a problem. On UFS, we get the number of
JC> free inode via 'df -e', then do some things based this value, such as 
JC> create an empty file, the value will decrease by 1. But on ZFS, it does
JC> not work. I still can get a number via 'df -e', and create a same empty
JC> file, the value is not my expectation. So I use a loop to produce empty
JC> files and watch the output of 'df -e'. After some long time, the number
JC> is 671, then 639, 641, 603, 605, 609, 397, 607...
JC> I check the number of files, yes, it increases steadily.

JC> Could you explain it?

UFS has static number of inodes in a given file system so it's easy to
say how much free inodes are left.

ZFS creates inodes on demand so you can't say how much inodes you can
create - however I guess one could calculate maximum possible number
of inodes to be created given free space in a pool/fs.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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