Hello Jeff,

Monday, October 30, 2006, 2:03:52 AM, you wrote:

>> Nice, this is definitely pointing the finger more definitively.  Next 
>> time could you try:
>> dtrace -n '[EMAIL PROTECTED](20)] = count()}' -c 'sleep 5'
>> (just send the last 10 or so stack traces)
>> In the mean time I'll talk with our SPA experts and see if I can figure 
>> out how to fix this...

JB> By any chance is the pool fairly close to full?  The fuller it gets,
JB> the harder it becomes to find long stretches of free space.

Nope - at least 600GB free all the time in the pool.
Also it's not a quota - if I rise a quote for the file system (+100GB
for example) it doesn't help. If I remove oldest snapshot it always
helps immediately. Sometimes I have to remove two oldest snapshots.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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