On Fri, Jeff Victor wrote:
> Spencer Shepler wrote:
> >On Fri, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> >
> >>>This doesn't change the fact that upon close() the NFS client will
> >>>write data back to the server.  This is done to meet the
> >>>close-to-open semantics of NFS.
> >>
> >>Your working did not match with the reality, this is why I did write this.
> >>You did write that upon close() the client will first do something 
> >>similar to fsync on that file. The problem is that this is done 
> >>asynchronously and the
> >>close() return value does noo contain an indication on whether the fsync
> >>did succeed.
> >
> >Sorry, the code in Solaris would behave as I described.  Upon the 
> >application closing the file, modified data is written to the server.
> >The client waits for completion of those writes.  If there is an error,
> >it is returned to the caller of close().
> Are you talking about the client-end of NFS, as implemented in Solaris, or 
> the "application-clients" like vi?
> It seems to me that you are talking about Solaris, and Joerg is talking 
> about vi (and other applications).

NFS client.

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