Harley Gorrell wrote:
   I do wonder what accounts for the improvement -- seek
time, transfer rate, disk cache, or something else?  Does
anywone have a dtrace script to measure this which they
would share?

You might also be seeing the effects of defect management.  As
drives get older, they tend to find and repair more defects.
This will slow the performance of the drive, though I've not
seen this sort of extreme.  You might infer this from a dtrace
script which would record the service time per iop -- in which
case you may see some iops with much larger service times than
normal.  I would expect this to be a second order effect.

Meanwhile, you should check to make sure you're tranferring data
at the rate you think (SCSI autonegotiates data transfer rates).
If you know the model number, you can get the rotational speed
and average seek times to see if that is radically different
for the two disk types.
 -- richard

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