Thanks for your replying.

>Can you give more details : what's the ssh machine you're logging into
>(OS and version of ssh, and perhaps the amount of encryption you're
Two of my machines are T-2000 ( Sun servers) running Sparc Solaris. 

>How fast is the network between the two machines ?
Network is good too. LAN with broadband.

>Does "ssh -v" tell you any more ?
I don't think problem is ZFS send/recv. I think it's take a lot of time to 
connect over SSH.
I tried to access SSH by typing: ssh remote_machine. It also takes serveral 
seconds( one or a half second) to connect. Maybe because of Solaris SSH.
If you have 100files, it may take : 1000 x 0.5 = 500seconds

So that I gave up that solution. I wrote 2 pieces of perl script: client and 
server. Their roles are similar to ssh and sshd, then I can connect faster.

Do you have any suggestions?
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