Hello James,

Thursday, September 7, 2006, 8:58:10 PM, you wrote:
JD> with ZFS I have found that memory is a much greater limitation, even
JD> my dual 300mhz u2 has no problem filling 2x 20MB/s scsi channels, even
JD> with compression enabled,  using raidz and 10k rpm 9GB drives, thanks
JD> to its 2GB of ram it does great at everything I throw at it. On the
JD> other hand my blade 1500 ram  512MB with 3x 18GB 10k rpm drives using
JD> 2x 40MB/s scsi channels , os is on a 80GB ide drive, has problems
JD> interactively because as soon as you push zfs hard it hogs all the ram
JD> and may take 5 or 10 seconds to get response on xterms while the
JD> machine clears out ram and loads its applications/data back into ram.

IIRC correctly there's is a bug in SPARC ata driver which when
combined with ZFS expresses itself.

Unless you use only ZFS on those SCSI drives...?

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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