> I would then have to create 80 RAIDz(6+1) Volumes and the process of
> creating these Volumes can be scripted. But -
> 1) I would then have to create 80 mount points to mount each of these
> Volumes (?)

No.  Each of the RAIDZs that you create can be combined into a single
pool.  Data written to the pool will stripe across all the RAIDz

> 2) I would have no load balancing across mount points and I would have
> to specifically direct the files to a mount point using an algorithm of
> some design
> 3) A file landing on any one mount point would be constrained to the I/O
> of the underlying disk which would represent 1/80th of the potential
> available

See #1.

> 4) Expansion of the architecture, by adding in another single disk
> array, would be difficult and would probably be some form of data
> migration (?). For 800TB of data that would be unacceptable.

Today, you wouldn't be able to do it easily.  In the future, you may be
able to expand the RAIDz device.  (or if you could remove a VDEV from a
pool, you could rotate through and remove each of the RAIDz devices
followed by an addition of a new (8-column) RAIDz).

Darren Dunham                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Technical Consultant         TAOS            http://www.taos.com/
Got some Dr Pepper?                           San Francisco, CA bay area
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