If you issue aligned, full-record write requests, there is a definite advantage 
to continuing to set the record size. It allows ZFS to process the write 
without the read-modify-write cycle that would be required for the default 128K 
record size. (While compression results in records of variable physical length, 
it's the logical length which is important here, since it determines whether 
part of an on-disk block needs to be read before the block can be rewritten.)

Two notes -- First, the version of ZFS in the initial S10U2 release can perform 
the read-modify-write even if the record size matches. This is fixed in later 
OpenSolaris builds, I'm not sure if it's been patched back yet. Second, I 
believe the eventual goal is for ZFS to detect when a smaller record size would 
be advantageous, but this has not yet been done.
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