Just updating the discussion with some email chains.  After more digging, this 
does not appear to be a version 2 or 3 replicatiion issues.  I believe it to be 
an invalid named snapshot that causes zpool and zfs commands to core.

Tim mentioned it may be similiar to bug 6450219.
I agree it seems similiar to 6450219, but I'm not so sure it's the same as the 
related bug of 6446512.  At least the description of "...mistakenly trying to 
copy a file or directory..." I do not believe to apply in this case.  However, 
I'm still testing things so it very well may produce the same error.



To: Tim Foster , Eric Schrock
Date: Aug 22, 2006 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] Issue with zfs snapshot replication from version2 to 
version3 pool.

Looks like the problem is that 'zfs recieve' will accept invalid snapshot 
names.  In this case two @ signs
This causes most  other zfs and zpool commands that look up the snapshot object 
type to core dump.

Reproduced on x64 Build44 system with the following command.
"zfs send t0/[EMAIL PROTECTED] | zfs recv t1/fs0@@snashot_in"

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/tmp/]
$ zfs list -r t1
internal error: Invalid argument

dtrace output
1  51980       zfs_ioc_objset_stats:entry   t1
  1  51981      zfs_ioc_objset_stats:return                 0
  1  51980       zfs_ioc_objset_stats:entry   t1/fs0
  1  51981      zfs_ioc_objset_stats:return                 0
  1  51980       zfs_ioc_objset_stats:entry   t1/fs0
  1  51981      zfs_ioc_objset_stats:return                 0
  1  51980       zfs_ioc_objset_stats:entry   t1/fs0@@snashot_in
  1  51981      zfs_ioc_objset_stats:return                22

This may need to be filed as a bug again zfs recv.

Thank you for your time,



From: Tim Foster
To: shane milton
Cc: Eric Schrock
Date: Aug 22, 2006 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] Issue with zfs snapshot replication from version2 to 
version3 pool.

Hi Shane,

On Tue, 2006-08-22 at 10:37 -0400, shane milton wrote:
> Looks like the problem is that 'zfs recieve' will accept invalid
> snapshot names.  In this case two @ signs
> This causes most  other zfs and zpool commands that look up the
> snapshot object type to core dump.

Thanks for that! I believe this is the same as

(but I'm open to corrections :-)

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