Hello Mark,

Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 3:23:43 PM, you wrote:

MM> Robert,

MM> Are you sure that nfs-s5-p0/d5110 and nfs-s5-p0/d5111 are mounted
MM> following the import?  These messages imply that the d5110 and d5111
MM> directories in the top-level filesystem of pool nfs-s5-p0 are not
MM> empty.  Could you verify that 'df /nfs-s5-p0/d5110' displays
MM> nfs-s5-p0/d5110 as the "Filesystem" (and not just nfs-s5-p0)?

They are definitely mounted and not empty. And df reports them as
mounted file systems.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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