Just getting my feet wet with zfs.  I set up a test system (Sunblade 1000, dual 
channel scsi card, disk array with 14x18GB 15K RPM SCSI disks) and was trying 
to write a large file (10 GB) to the array to see how it performed.  I 
configured the raid using raidz.

During the write, I saw the disk access lights come on, but I noticed a 
peculiar behavior.  The system would write to the disk, but then pause for a 
few seconds, then contineu, then pause for a few seconds.

I saw the same behavior when I made a smaller raidz using 4x36 GB scsi drives 
in a different enclosure.

Since I'm new to zfs, and realize that I'm probably missing something, I was 
hoping somebody might help shed some light on my problem.  

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