We are looking to try to get patches out by late September which will
include this and many other fixes. I'll post all the changes in another
Robert Milkowski wrote:
Hello Fred,
Friday, July 28, 2006, 12:37:22 AM, you wrote:
FZ> Hi Robert,
FZ> The fix for 6424554 is being backported to S10 and will be available in
FZ> S10U3, later this year.
I know that already - I was rather asking if a patch containing the
fix will be available BEFORE U3 and if yes then when?
IMHO many more people I evaluating ZFS now when it's in a stable
Solaris release. Any performance fixes to ZFS should be available as
soon as possible 'coz that's one of the things people are looking at
and once they will be disappointed it will take long time for them to
try again.
Anyway I will try to get IDR via support channels.
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