I had a checksum error occur in a file. Since only one file is corrupt (and it's a link library at that) I don't want to blow away the whole pool to remove the corrupt file. However, I can't figure out any way to unlink the file. Using "rm" to try to unlink the file I get EIO:

% rm llib-lip.ln
rm: llib-lip.ln not removed: I/O error

Trying to truncate it is also no dice:
% cat >llib-lip.ln
llib-lip.ln: I/O error

What are the expected paths for recovery here?

I took a look at:

That page isn't helpful since it just says to "restore the file". Well, you can't restore a file if you can't cleanup the old corrupted one!

(Also BTW that page has a typo, you might want to get the typo fixed, I didn't know where the doc bugs should go for those messages)

- Eric
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