> On 7/7/06, Dennis Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok.. not exactly a ZFS native solution but...
>> As near as I can tell the ZFS filesystem has no way to backup easily to a
>> tape in the same way that ufsdump has served for years and years.
> snip
>>   (2) perhaps I can use find and tar or cpio to backup small "tape drive
>>       capacity" sized chunks of the ZFS filesystem. Then dump these with
>>       some hand written notes or post-it notes to indicate what directory
>>       bits I have and what tape is needed to get the other bits.  Let me
>>       expound on this a tad :
> Maybe you could take a look at the excellent Bacula software which
> exist in the Blastwave repository. Ok, I admit that you won't get all
> of the zfs filesystem information but as for backing up to tape it
> works excellent. It can also split up on multiple tapes without any
> problems. I've used it in production on a number of sites and so far
> it has never failed me.

A very good suggestion.

However ... there had to be a "however" eh?

I seem to have this unwritten expectation that with ZFS I would get
everything that I always had with UFS and SVM without losing a feature.  The
ufsbackup and ufsrestore command will both do a complete dump of a UFS
filesystem plus incrementals and all the metadata also.

I lose that with ZFS as the backup technology does not exist yet to backup
all the metadata also.

Perhaps we need to craft a zfsbackup and zfsrestore command ?

Dennis Clarke

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