Thanks, -- Jim C _______________________________________________ zfs-discuss mailing list
For an embedded application, I'm looking at creating a minimal Solaris
10 U2 image which would include ZFS functionality. In quickly taking a
look at the site under pkgdefs, I see three packages
that appear to be related to ZFS: SUNWzfskr, SUNWzfsr, and SUNWzfsu. Is
it naive to think that this would be all that is needed for ZFS?
- [zfs-discuss] ZFS components for a minimal Solaris 10 U2 i... Jim Connors
- Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS components for a minimal Solari... Dale Ghent
- Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS components for a minimal So... Jason Schroeder
- Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS components for a minima... Jim Connors
- Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS components for a mi... Jason Schroeder
- Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS components for a mi... Eric Schrock
- [zfs-discuss] ZFS state between rebo... Jim Connors
- [zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS state betw... Eric Schrock
- [zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS state ... Jim Connors
- [zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS state ... Eric Schrock
- [zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS state ... Jim Connors