On Wed, Jun 28, 2006 at 02:23:32PM +0200, Robert Milkowski wrote:
What I wanted to point out is the Al's example: he wrote about damaged data. 
were damaged by firmware _not_ disk surface ! In such case ZFS doesn't help. 
ZFS can
detect (and repair) errors on disk surface, bad cables, etc. But cannot detect 
and repair
errors in its (ZFS) code.

If you mean "ZFS doesn't help with firmware problems" that is not true. For 
example, if ZFS is mirroring a pool across two different storage arrays, a 
firmware error in one of them will cause problems that ZFS will detect when it 
tries to read the data. Further, ZFS would be able to correct the error by reading 
from the other mirror, unless the second array also suffered from a firmware error.
There are categories of problems that ZFS cannot handle, mostly regarding data 
availability after catastophes (as Richard E described) but ZFS can help with many 
firmware problems.
Jeff VICTOR              Sun Microsystems            jeff.victor @ sun.com
OS Ambassador            Sr. Technical Specialist
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