>but there may not be filesystem space for double the data.
>Sounds like there is a need for a zfs-defragement-file utility
>Or if you want to be politically cagey about naming choice, perhaps,
>zfs-seq-read-optimize-file ?  :-)

For Datawarehouse and streaming applications a 
"seq-read-omptimization" could bring additional performance. For
"normal" databases this should be benchmarked...

This brings me back to another question. We have a production database,
that is cloned on every end of month for end-of-month processing
(currently with a feature on our storage array).

I'm thinking about a ZFS version of this task. Requirements: the
production database should not suffer from performance degradation,
whilst running the clone in parallel. As ZFS does not clone all the
blocks, I wonder how much the procution database will suffer from
sharing most of the data with the clone (concurrent access vs. caching)

Maybe we need a feature in ZFS to do a full clone (speak: copy all
blocks) inside the pool, if performance is an issue.... just like the
"Quick Copy" vs. "Shadow Image" -features on HDS Arrays... 

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