>I'm a little confused by the first poster's message as well, but you
lose some benefits of ZFS if you don't create >your pools with either
RAID1 or RAIDZ, such as data corruption detection.  The array isn't
going to detect that >because all it knows about are blocks. 

That's the dilemma, the array provides nice features like RAID1 and
RAID5, but those are of no real use when using ZFS. 

The advantages  to use ZFS on such array are e.g. the sometimes huge
write cache available, use of consolidated storage and in SAN
configurations, cloning and sharing storage between hosts.

The price comes of course in additional administrative overhead (lots
of microcode updates, more components that can fail in between, etc).

Also, in bigger companies there usually is a team of storage
specialist, that mostly do not know about the applications running on
top of it, or do not care... (like: "here you have your bunch of


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