Mike Gerdts wrote:
On 6/25/06, Nathan Kroenert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Now, looking forward a bit, where does the ZFS integration with zones
documentation belong?
Some of it will appear in the next update to the Sun BluePrint "Solaris Containers
Architecture Technology Guide."
How about real world replication strategies
with zfs send/receive, including appropriate utility scripts?
Converting UFS root to ZFS root?
If the information that is needed to do the work is NOT in the man
pages, perhaps we could look to address that...
All of the information is in man pages. Often times, stringing man
pages together to bigger concepts is too hard. Hence the general fear
of man pages by UNIX newbies and some oldbies.
Should every sys admin who is maintaining an Oracle (or MySQL, or...) database be
forced to go through the process of determining good combinations of ZFS settings?
(There aren't many settings, but there are a few.) Will people learn that there
are limitations to ZFS that are not documented? Wouldn't a wiki be useful as a
central repository of such knowledge?
Jeff VICTOR Sun Microsystems jeff.victor @ sun.com
OS Ambassador Sr. Technical Specialist
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