>> >On 6/19/06, Eric Schrock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Simply because we erred on the side of caution.  The fewer metachacters,
>> >> the better.  It's easy to change if there's enough interest.
>> >
>> >You may want to change that since many applications including KDE use
>> >''+' to encode paths (replacing blanks or use it for other purposes),
>> >resulting in erratic failure of desktop functions.
>> >And '+' is used very often elsewhere so more than one application will fail.
>> So you believe that "+" should be allowed in filesystem names?  (As opposed
>> to filenames where there is no such restriction?)
>Ok... I misread this that file names are restricted that way. However
>I still think all characters which are used by the urlencoding system
>should be allowed, including "%" and "+". And please BAN the usage of
>white spaces (space, TAB, newline, cr).

I'm sure white space is banned (hope so, anyway) because of issues with
parsing /etc/mnttab by programs.


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