Roch Bourbonnais - Performance Engineering wrote:
I'm puzzled by 2 things.
Naively I'd think a write_cache should not help throughput
test since the cache should fill up after which you should still be
throttled by the physical drain rate. You clearly show that
it helps; Anyone knows why/how a cache helps throughput ?
And the second thing...quick search, this seems relevant
Bug ID: 6397876
Synopsis: sata drives need default write cache controlled via property
Integrated in Build: snv_38
well, that just says that the cache settings dont stick across reboot. that
doesnt seem to have any bearing on whether zfs toggles write cache or not.
From the sound of things, it sounds like what was previously written on
this list was incorrect: I now infer that zfs does NOT do any "smart
toggling" of write cache enable/disable on drives that it uses.
(although it may or may not do some "flush cache" calls at appropriate moments)
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