Hello Matthew,

Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 10:43:08 PM, you wrote:

MA> On Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 12:58:17PM +0200, Robert Milkowski wrote:
>>   I'm writing a script to do automatically snapshots and destroy old
>>   one. I think it would be great to add to zfs destroy another option
>>   so only snapshots can be destroyed. Something like:
>>      zfs destroy -s SNAPSHOT
>>      so if something other than snapshot is provided as an argument
>>      zfs destroy wouldn't actually destroy it.
>>      That way it would be much safer to write scripts.
>>      What do you think?

MA> I think that you shouldn't run commands that you don't want run.  If you
MA> need some safeguards while developing a script, you can always write a
MA> wrapper script around zfs(1m).

Well, it's like saying that we don't need '-f' option for a zpool.

It's just too easy with ZFS to screw up.
Using snapshots in ZFS is so easy and penalty free that it'll be
common I belive. Many sysadmins will write their own scripts and it's
just too easy to destroy a filesystem instead of a snapshot
unintentionally. I know you can write wrappers, etc. but it just
complicates life while simple option would solve problem.

The same with 'zpool destroy' - imho it should never allow destroying
a pool if ant fs|clone|snapshot is mounted unless -f is provided.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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