Just as a hypothetical (not looking for exact science here folks..), how would 
ZFS fare (in your educated opinion) in this sitation:

1 - Machine with 8 10k rpm SATA drives. High performance machine of sorts (ie 
dual proc, etc..let's weed out cpu/memory/bus bandwidth as much as possible 
from the equation).

2 - Workload is webserving, well - application serving. Java app server 9, 
various java applications requiring database access (mostly small tables/data 
elements, but millions and millions of rows).

3 - App server would be running in one zone, with a (NFS) mounted ZFS 
filesystem as storage.

4 - DB server (PgSQL) would be running in another zone, with a (NFS) mounted 
ZFS filesystem as storage.

5 - Multiple disk redundancy is needed. So, I'm assuming two raid-z pools of 3 
drives each, mirrored is the solution. If people have a better suggestion, tell 
me! :P

6 - OS will be Sol10U2, OS/Root FS will be installed on mirrored drives, using 
UFS (my only choice..)

Now, please eliminate CPU/RAM from this equation, assume the server has 4 cores 
of goodness powering it, and 32 gigs of ram. No, running on a ram-disk isn't 
what I'm asking for. :P

* NFS being optional, just curious what the difference would be, as getting a 
T1000 + building an external storage box is an option. I just can't justify 
Sun's crazy storage pricing at the moment.

How would ZFS perform (educated opinions, I realize I won't be getting exact 
answers) in this situation. I can't be more specific because I don't have the 
HW in front of me, I'm trying to get a feel for the "correct" solution before I 
make huge purchases.

If anything else is needed, please feel free to ask!

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