From: Gregory Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: Mike Gerdts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Cc: ZFS filesystem discussion list <>,
  Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS and databases
  Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 13:15:48 -0600

  Regarding directio and quickio, is there a way with ZFS to skip the  
  system buffer cache?  I've seen big benefits for using directio when  
  the data files have been segregated from the log files.

Were the benefits coming from extra concurrency (no
single writter lock) or avoiding the extra copy to page cache or 
from too much readahead that is not used before pages need to 
be recycled. 

ZFS already has the concurrency.

The  page cache copy is   really rather cheap  and I  assert
somewhat necessary to insure data integrity

The extra readahead is somewhat of a bug in UFS (read 2
pages get a maxcontig chunk (1MB)).

ZFS is new, conventional wisdom, may or may not apply.


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