Hi Everyone,

You might remember our post about the state of the mailing lists in November 2021 (see https://lists.zeek.org/archives/list/z...@lists.zeek.org/thread/VLAAMGVG3NWTEMWV5QKL3GGFLNUCHCXU/#VLAAMGVG3NWTEMWV5QKL3GGFLNUCHCXU), where we proposed to migrate our mailing lists to Discourse. The feedback on this has been universally positive.

As a result of this, we are going to migrate all Zeek project mailing lists to Discourse. We expect this migration process to be finished around mid-May.

We are going to copy the entire history of all our mailing lists to Discourse – so there will be no loss of information; all posts will still be available. For technical reasons, we are not going to migrate subscription information to discourse. This means that you will have to sign up to our discourse server once it is available, and manually enable notifications for posts if you wish to receive them. We will post an announcement here once the Discourse server is publicly available, and you can sign up to it. At that time we will also put the mailing lists into read-only mode.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, either email me directly, or email the Zeek Leadership team at l...@zeek.org.

Johanna Amann (for the Zeek LT)
zeek-dev mailing list -- zeek-dev@lists.zeek.org
To unsubscribe send an email to zeek-dev-le...@lists.zeek.org

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