
Whats the OS on the host running the logger node ? 

I've seen same issues of bloating logger node with tcmalloc on FreeBSD. Mine
crashes after 180+GB - takes a couple weeks to do so!  

Since last week I have been running with jemalloc and things seem better - but
lets see I may risk speaking sooner here. 

(On a side note) 

I've been trying jemalloc and few hiccups (struggles) related to building zeek 
jemalloc on FreeBSD:

1) fix for building zeek + jemalloc + FreeBSD: 


2) Fix for building jemalloc itself on FreeBSD to --enable-profiling 

We've (Craig leres) got out a patch to be able to do so as well. 

(2) is mostly  needed so that I can build zeek against jemalloc with
--enable-profiling to run Justin's zeekctl jemalloc profiler. 


On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 10:33:23AM +0530, Dheeraj Gupta wrote:
> Thanks for the pointer Tim.
> I will try to run jemalloc profiling and post back on the Github issue.
> - Dheeraj
> On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 11:18 PM Tim Wojtulewicz <t...@corelight.com> wrote:
> > We also have another report of the same in
> > https://github.com/zeek/zeek/issues/1856. Is it possible for you to
> > rebuild with jemalloc support and run the jemalloc profiling plugin on your
> > logger node? That should give more information about what’s causing the
> > bloat. We can use that issue to discuss more in depth what’s going on with
> > it, if that’s easier than email.
> >
> > Tim
> >
> > On Dec 12, 2021, at 11:15 PM, Dheeraj Gupta <dheeraj.gup...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > We have a Zeek node that sees high volumes on working days. Due to our
> > internal network configuration a lot of connections for our internal DNS
> > servers are generated by certain endpoints (because our DNS does not
> > resolve any external domains and certain applications keep repeating the
> > DNS requests at astronomical rates). The node is a 16 core, 128GB VM and we
> > use ASCII logger.
> >
> > We have observed that under high loads (~40k writes/s), the logger process
> > starts lagging behind and its memory usage goes up. Once the machine is
> > using >60% of its memory, Zeek starts dropping packets and a general drop
> > in performance is observed. Only solution is to restart the zeek process.
> >
> > My understanding is that logger is buffering the unwritten lines in memory
> > and so memory usage is going up.
> >
> > To work around this, I split the output files so that all connections to
> > the DNS server and all DNS requests to high velocity domains are logged to
> > separate files (conn-noise.log and dns-noise.log). These two files consume
> > nearly 80% of the disk usage under the current directory (E.g. in 30
> > minutes the current directory use is 4.9G out of which these two files use
> > 4.0G). Doing this, I hoped that any lags would be limited to these two
> > files and I will lose less data on a restart. Also by using separate
> > threads for heavily written files, I may be able to get better performance.
> > The idea has worked partially as lags for other files are generally low now
> > although we do need to restart zeek if memory usage goes beyond 55%.
> >
> > The problem is that I have observed that logger memory usage does not
> > decrease on its own when the loads reduce (e.g. at night). E.g. If Zeek was
> > using 40G memory on Friday evening and dns-noise was showing a lag of 1800
> > seconds, the memory usage on Monday morning is still 40G although the lag
> > is only around 1 second. Has anyone experienced anything similar? I am
> > running Zeek-4.1.1.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dheeraj
> >
> > --
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> >
> >
> >

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