On 3/16/21 2:10 PM, Craig Leres wrote:
It's easy enough to put zeek-config on PATH but it doesn't work because
it is configured/built to install in /usr/local but during the packaging
process it's actually installed in
/wrkdirs/usr/ports/security/zeek/work/stage/usr/local. This causes
zeek-config to report the target install dir, not the current actual dir:

Ah, I see, thank you ... this sounds a lot like DESTDIR. Something would have to redirect the plugin build and install to that workdir for purposes of the plugin build. zeek-config doesn't currently support that. A few thoughts:

- Going back to your first message, I'm not sure why CXXFLAGS didn't work for you for locating headers -- I just tried a

  CXXFLAGS=-I/path/to/dummy/include ./configure ...

and I can see that directory appear in the build output (via cmake --build build -v). So perhaps the header inclusion actually worked, but you hit other trouble later on?

- You could try patching the generated zeek-config so it prefixes paths with the workdir, and undo that for the version that eventually gets installed. This might be something we need to add to it for this scenario. The paths it reports are all defined right at the top of the script, so it wouldn't be hard to trick it to use the workdir. I don't know if that's enough, though.

- I'm coming back to --zeek-dist now, which should find the required headers. I just tried a build with it and it worked for me ... are you able to point it at the built source tree? I'd suspect it's different from the staged installation.

I don't understand how --with-netmap works, looking in
cmake/FindNetmap.cmake, I think it wants netmap_user.h which is present
in  /usr/include... But it doesn't find it?

This might be a detail about the tree layout -- for me, when I say --with-netmap=/foo/bar, it locates netmap_user.h in /foo/bar/include/net/netmap_user.h.

I'm afraid if none of the above helps, you'll need input from somebody who actually uses FreeBSD -- I don't.

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