[I had posted this on Slack in #development originally, copying here
for visibility]
We now have the nice list of platforms that Zeek currently supports
at: https://github.com/zeek/zeek/wiki/Zeek-Operating-System-Support-Matrix.
We however don’t have a policy yet what platform we generally aim to
support going forward. Dominik and I discussed this further the other
day and came up with a proposal:

    1. For each distribution, we decide on a dedicated policy which
    versions we want to support at any point. A general rule of thumb
    would be “the two most recent stable releases still within their
    support window”. But we’d actually look at each distribution and
    see what policy makes sense, including any additional dependencies
    we will rely on (like devtools on CentOS). And we do
    mini-request-for-comments to get feedback from users if we’re
    making a reasonable choice.

    2. We update CI to test those versions, and *only* those versions.

    3. We then rely on CI to decide if changes are ok: If, e.g.,
    somebody wants to use a new C++ feature, that’s ok as long as CI
    passes. If it breaks CI, it won’t go in.

The advantage of this is that we won’t rely on having to specify
specific compiler versions, which isn’t well-defined (because things
also depend on libstdc++ version, system libs, etc.), but instead on
whether people can actually compile Zeek on the platforms they are

A disadvantage is that we’ll need to spend the time to ensure our CI
setup keeps matching the policies, and gets updated as distribution
updates come out.


Dominik added:

    > I think you’ve summarized it nicely! I’d only add that we’ll have to
    > keep our CI up-to-date regardless. Jon is already doing a great job
    > staying on top of things and adding EOL dates to dockerfiles as
    > comments to make it obvious when things can get dropped from Cirrus.

    > Also, I’m obviously I’m in favor of this proposal. :wink:
    > The “everything that passes CI is fair game” approach not only makes
    > sure we naturally catch up to new C++ features eventually (which is
    > the main motivation), but we can also steadily modernize our CMake
    > scaffold, Python scripts, and so on.

Robin Sommer * Corelight, Inc. * ro...@corelight.com * www.corelight.com
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