So, I agree that doctest.h is a great way to do this, but I think you could 
take a two step approach here as well:

1. Separate all BIF logic into its own C++ files/classes. If at all possible, 
have that logic NOT use Zeek types in any way (BIF should convert/manage that). 
If this is possible (and still performant), you can unit test that code 
completely without the Zeek source/libraries.
2. If you have done that, the BIF code could theoretically be unit tested from 
Zeek script itself. Perhaps with ZTest (shameless plug): :-)

I think the issue is when the conversion of Zeek types to C++ types would not 
be performant enough to make this a viable approach. Far too often I'm seeing 
situations where writing testable code seems to potentially have an impact on 
performance, but that might be a cost of doing business in Zeek where every 
nanosecond counts.

-Ryan Victory

On Wed, Sep 9, 2020, at 14:33, Christian Kreibich wrote:
> On 9/9/20 9:56 AM, Seth Hall wrote:
> > Has anyone put any thought to how we could create and run unit tests
> > in Zeek plugins?  I don't think any work has been done on that yet,
> > but I'd love to be able to create unit tests in plugins.
> Yeah I've tinkered a bit with this. I was able to get a unit test to run 
> out of an plugin in a loaded Zeek package (for current master) by doing 
> two things:
> - Include doctest.h in the plugin source tree.
> - Move the doctest execution in src/ down until after the 
> plugin registration.
> With this, zeek --test -ltc shows the test case, and it also runs:
> > ==============================================================================
> > /home/christian/.zkg/clones/package/utest/src/
> > TEST CASE:  plugin doctest
> > 
> > /home/christian/.zkg/clones/package/utest/src/ SUCCESS: CHECK( 
> > true ) is correct!
> >   values: CHECK( true )
> But that's obviously a hacky setup. To do this properly, we should add 
> doctest.h to the set of things that Zeek installs (so plugins don't have 
> to ship their own), and we'll have to rework a bit of the setup logic. 
> And, I don't know how/whether this will work with other 
> compilers/platforms; this was just my local system.
> Are you up for creating an issue for this one, Seth?
> Best,
> Christian
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