Hi everyone,

The move is now done and all functionality should work as before.

The user-interface for the mailing lists, and the archives are now located at https://lists.zeek.org

If you notice anything amiss - please let me know.


On 22 Jul 2020, at 11:36, Johanna Amann wrote:

Hello everyone,

We are going to switch the zeek.org mailing lists to a new provider on
Monday the 27th. This change means that the domain-part of all zeek.org
mailing lists is going to change from “zeek.org” to

What changes does this entail / what does this mean for you:

* All zeek.org mailing list domains will switch to lists.zeek.org. So,
“z...@zeek.org” will be “z...@lists.zeek.org” afterwards.
   However, you will still be able to send messages to the old list
address for the foreseeable future - they will automatically be
forwarded to the new address
   If you are using mailing list filters to automatically sort Zeek
mailing lists into folders, you will probably have to update them.

* The mailing list archives and administrative interface will move to
https://lists.zeek.org/. The old interface at
http://mailman.icsi.berkeley.edu/mailman/listinfo will no longer be
available; archives will also no longer be available at the old address.

* Your subscription will automatically move, you do not have to take any

When will this happen:

* This change will happen on Monday the 27th of July, starting at
approximately 9am PDT/noon EDT/4pm GMT/5pm BST/6pm CEST.
   Messages sent to the Zeek mailing lists during this time will be
held. We will try to make sure that any messages that happen to be sent
during this timeframe will make it over after the migration, but your
message will probably make it faster if you wait till we are done.

* The change will take a few hours; I will send another message to the
individual lists once migration is done.

Why are we moving the mailing lists:

The current setup that we are using is being retired and we have to
switch to a new provider. We are switching to a new domain because this
makes our setup easier to maintain.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

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