The problem:
In our project we have some parts located in svn server far. This server due to 
"unknown" reasons very often is not accessible. And I noticed that yocto always 
tries to access the svn server. Not like the other components in download 
directory. Something worse, if it does not access the server, it erases all the 
trunks, tags we had already in download/svn directory. I made a simple test 
erasing sstate-cache and tmp, and disconnected the cable of my machine. 
Everything goes fine till svn recipes. Here is the shortest recipe:

SUMMARY = "Linux0 web pages"
DESCRIPTION = "Set of static web pages to be displayed during update."
PV = "117434"
SRC_URI = " \
    file://ww-linux0-web-deploy.sh \
S = "${WORKDIR}/trunk"
INSTALL_DIR = "/www/ww-linux0-web"
FILES_${PN} += " \
    ${INSTALL_DIR}/index.html.ww_failed_to_boot \
    ${INSTALL_DIR}/index.html.ww_failed_to_program \
    ${INSTALL_DIR}/index.html.ww_update_in_progress \
# Skip the unwanted steps
do_configure[noexec] = "1"
do_compile[noexec] = "1"

do_install () {
    install -d ${D}${INSTALL_DIR}
    install -m 644 ${S}/index.html.ww_failed_to_boot ${D}${INSTALL_DIR}
    install -m 644 ${S}/index.html.ww_failed_to_program ${D}${INSTALL_DIR}
    install -m 644 ${S}/index.html.ww_update_in_progress ${D}${INSTALL_DIR}

    install -d ${D}${bindir}
    install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/ww-linux0-web-deploy.sh ${D}${bindir}

How can we solve that issue?

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