Hi, I discovered that when I attempt to make use of variables such as WORKDIR, STAGING_DIR_HOST or RECIPE_SYSROOT in a recipe based on allarch.bbclass, these variables pointed to nonexistent path locations. Upon investigation, I determined that under the "tmp/work" directory, it is specifying "all-poky-linux-gnueabi" when in fact it should specify "all-poky-linux".
I got it to work properly in my recipe by setting ABIEXTENSION = "" (or using an anonymous python function within my customized bbclass to do this only when the PACKAGE_ARCH == "all"). I believe that the correct action would be to clear it as part of allarch.bbclass. Anyone else experience this issue? I encountered this using 'warrior' when a custom bbclass I have that uses a script from within the sysroot failed for allarch even though it worked for the normal arch. Regards, Darcy Darcy Watkins :: Senior Staff Engineer, Firmware SIERRA WIRELESS Direct +1 604 233 7989 :: Fax +1 604 231 1109 :: Main +1 604 231 1100 13811 Wireless Way :: Richmond, BC Canada V6V 3A4 [P2] dwatk...@sierrawireless.com<mailto:dwatk...@sierrawireless.com> :: www.sierrawireless.com<http://www.sierrawireless.com/>
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